Running To Lose Weight

Running is one of the easiest, highly elegant, and effective means for losing weight by men and women of varying ages. Moreover, running does not require any special equipment, training or gadgets, or any fixed period of time. Therefore, running to lose weight, is hugely popular and commonly preferred by most of the overweight persons of the world. In our this highly enlightening and profitable webpage, we are providing rich and vital information about the superb and sure-fire running tips to lose weight for men and women, and running workouts to lose weight fast.

Running is certainly a simple and easy process for burning calories, in order to lose weight gradually. However, to lose weight quickly, the running can be made longer in period and high in intensity, or more grueling by choosing a variety of inclined roads or surfaces. More information about this running for losing weight quickly, is separately given in the lower paragraphs, along with some of the best and efficacious running tips for losing weight. The amount of calories that can be burned through running, depends on many factors, some of these factors are weight of the person, straight or inclined road for running, length of the run, time-period elapsed in running, etc. The weight of the person is surely of high importance for calculating the amount of calories burned by running a mile. On an average, a person weighing 150 pounds (about 68Kg) generally burns approximately 100 calories, when he/she runs a mile on plain (not bumpy or inclined) road, and at an average speed. In general, for a rough reckoning of the calories burned through running a mile by a person, can expediently be found by multiplying the weight of the person (in pounds) with a factor of 1.40.

Running To Lose Weight Before And After
In this section, provided is refined information regarding the running to lose weight before and after (after weight loss). Some of the most elegant and effective advice and tips for losing weight through running, are the following:
Take wisely Proper, Sufficient, and Healthy Foods: The most important point is that, to lose weight by running, one must burn more calories than he/she consumes daily from foods and beverages. To shed one pound one has to burn about 3500 calories through running or doing any other weight loss exercises. Again, the normal daily calorific requirement from food (2000 calories for an adult woman, and 2500 calories for an adult man) must be taken from using low-fat, highly nutritious, and healthy food items. Runners may also take some special nutrition depending on specific requirements. The most suitable and healthy food items to runners desirous of losing their weight are --- whole grains, vegetables, fruits, whole grain pasta and breads, eggs, beans, cereals, salmon, lean meat and poultry, bananas, low-fat dairy products, carrots, peanut butter, quinoa, and so on. The most needed and important minerals for runners are calcium, iron, sodium, etc.
Again, take some light breakfast or food such as muesli or porridge, and drinks like fruit juices/herbal tea, before going to start a run. These explanations will help people regarding how to start running to lose weight. When you get back home after finishing your running, eat something light, within 15 minutes. Then, after about two hours, take a well-balanced diet, which is full of all macro and micro nutrients.

Make a scheduled Routine, and Run Regularly: In order to keep up regular running for a long time (which is necessary for weight loss), you must be deeply interested in and motivated for running. For this purpose, you should make a routine of walking, jogging, and running for 30 to 40 minutes a day. After few weeks, increase this duration to one hour. For run-only program, 15 to 20 minutes are enough.

Increase Gradually the Time and Intensity of Running: It is best to start weight-loss running programs easily and gradually, and then, increase the time-duration and intensity of running over time, after few weeks. Slow, convenient, and gradual starting eases your body for fitting into the new running routine, averts getting tired quickly, and makes the running exercise interesting and refreshing always.

Make the Running Challenging: Changing routine does not allow your body to accommodate easily the workouts, which is better for weight loss, as more calories will be burned in this way. Changing in running routine could be made through incorporating rapid jogging, sprint running, high intensity interval training (HIIT), running on an inclined road such as a hill, and running on a treadmill fast, including the running on an inclined surface. But, these all alterations must be made gradually, for the best results.

Eat for Maintenance and Performance: After the desired amount of weight loss, it is necessary to keep up the usual running routine, however light and smooth routine, in order maintain body fitness and sound health, and to avert the chances of gaining weight in future years. For this purpose, taking slightly more calories and nutrition from low-fat, low-calorie, and highly nutritious food items is advisable. Some of the best food items to be taken regularly during this phase (after weight loss), have already been mentioned above in the very first sub-heading of this section.

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